
Posts Tagged ‘tom’

dear mae,

sorry it’s been such a long time between posts, but this pregnancy thing is exhausting! any free time i get between work and doctors visits i spend knitting on the couch or laying my sore back on a heating pad.  plus it’s hard to feel pretty when none of my clothes fit.

on the other hand tom has been looking supper dandy as of late.  i feel as though i should be a bit jealous as i squeeze skirts over my ever expanding belly, but it sure is nice to have something good looking across the breakfast table from me.

sometimes i do manage to pull myself together long enough for a breakfast date, and sometimes we even go above and beyond and coordinate our outfits. nerds, i know. sometimes we don’t even do it on purpose, we are just that cute.

<3, betty

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dear mae,

yesterday tom and i took the day to go find him some new shoes,  out to lunch and goof around town.  i don’t usaly post pictures of him on here, but sometimes he looks so brilliant, i just can’t help myself. we got lost trying to find some bike shop only to find out that it no longer exists and tried to follow the train tracks to the next stop, but all we found was a river with no bridge.

i adore his new found love for hawaiian  shirts! and his new deck shoes are from urban outfitters, $10

as much as i love these boots, they were indeed, not made for walking.

we ended up just waiting for the bus and having silly photo shoot time!!

i was thinking about it the other day, and tom and i have been dating for nearly 10 years.  it’s hard to even fathom the people we were when we met, and how over time we have molded ourselves to be perfect for each other. sorry to get all gushy, but gosh i like that guy!!




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